Home » 4 Smash Legends Winning Tips You Should Know

4 Smash Legends Winning Tips You Should Know

Smash Legends is a 3V3 MOBA game that requires concentration, skill and the ability to analyze the game and give a timely reaction. In this article, we want to share with you 4 important tips to win in Smash Legends, drawn from our journey to experience this game.


Find out information about all Legends

One of the most important aspects to winning in MOBA games is the in-depth knowledge about the variety of characters that can be used.

In Smash Legends, each Legend carries a Unique skill set. Players need to experiment with characters as they gradually unlock over time. Or you can go to the practice room to experience the skills of all Legends.

Information about all Legends


This not only helps to clearly identify the right characters in each situation. It also supports the building of counter tactics against the Legends that players are familiar with.

Train your character's accuracy and speed

Each legendary character in this game has a unique set of skills and a specific role to play. Even movement and speed Theirs is also different. Therefore, increasing accuracy in attacks is very important to make your character stand out on the battlefield.

Player if only Randomly press continuously hit the attack button, which will often put their team in an unfavorable position. For example, when using the assassin character Ali, dangerous and flexible. Constantly spamming the attack button without determining the direction can make his power almost ineffective if not in the right direction.

Get familiar with various maps

Whether you're in Battle Royale, Dominion 3v3 or any other mode. HiKnow the map well which you are playing is very important.

Occasionally, to dodge attacks from opponents. Players can use surroundings to take advantage. There are objects in the environment that can be used to avoid decisive attacks from the enemy. Because the ground is not always flat. So the attacks may not hit the target.

Take advantage of in-game items

When your health is low and the opponent attacks. You can explore around the map to find items can increase health or give an advantage in battle. This will increase your survivability for a little longer.

Related Instructions

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