Home » Android & iOS: What's the Best Gaming Platform?

Android & iOS: What's the Best Gaming Platform?

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Are you stuck in deciding whether an Android or iOS device is Best Gaming Platform? We will provide you with useful information to choose from through this article.

Today, we are spend more time on the phone mine. For many people, their mobile device is like a companion in every work and life. Mobile phones can also be quite expensive, so buying a Smartphone that meets your needs is very important.

Mobile gaming has grown rapidly over the past few years, and phones are capable of playing some incredible AAA games. But running them smoothly, smoothly can be difficult on your device. If you spend a lot of time playing games on your mobile phone, then you need the best device for gaming. Does the middle iPhone , and AndroidWhich one is better for gaming? Let's find out together.


Game Library

While they may look similar on the surface, Apple and Android devices are completely different. Each person has their own operating system, which means they have different Unique way of working own. Both of these trusted brands offer their own stores to buy and download mobile games.

Apple's AppStore and Android's Google Play Store are both constantly expanding to release brand new games. But which operating system has the most games on offer?

| App Store vs. Google Play

Google Play Store offers more 2,33 million application, and 442.000 Among them are games. On the other hand, the App Store has more than 3,59 million application. Including 984.000 game. So if you're browsing through either of these stores looking for your next mobile gaming experience, you'll there is an extra 542.000 options on the App Store.

These are huge numbers and browsing through nearly a million games would be an overwhelming task. But the fact is that there are many games available on App Store of Apple rather than above Google Play Store of Android.

Game subscription service

In addition to the hundreds of thousands of games that Android and Apple offer through their online stores. Both offer their own unique game subscription services. These give you hundreds of games to browse and play at your leisure with a monthly fee.

Regarding the game subscription service, Android has Google Play Pass and an Apple service called Apple Arcade. Here is a comparison between the 2 Best Gaming Platforms today:

  Google Play Pass Apple Arcade
Price $4,99 per month or $29,99 per year. $4,99 per month or $49,99 per year.
Number of games offered +824 +200
Additional account number 5 5
Are apps included? Have No.
Offer exclusive games? No. Have
Compatible devices Device running Android 4.4 or higher. iOS 13, tvOS 13, iPadOS 13, and macOS Catalina or later.


When we compare the difference between these two subscription services, it is clear that Google Play Pass is winner in most categories. It does not offer its own exclusive titles, but the fact that the service also include apps is an extremely handy addition.

Affordability and specifications

All mobile devices are extremely expensive. Technology is constantly evolving and the prices of these devices must also go up to match that. Especially, play games on mobile devices are taxing very heavily on these tiny devices. So finding one that's affordable and still capable of running heavy games can be tough.

| Apple tax

You may or may not have heard of the term "Apple Tax". This is a term used to describe the enormous cost of Apple products. Apple is a globally trusted brand with millions of loyal customers. Apple is fully aware that customers will consume its products regardless of price, and it has certainly taken full advantage of that fact.

Have you ever wondered why you never see Apple products for sale? That's because stores often buy items at wholesale prices. The store's profit is then added to that amount, and that total becomes the retail value of the product. On the other hand, Apple products are sold to Retail store with full RRP. There is no room for stores to discount products before they start operating at a loss.

Android products are also expensive, but customers get a product that has Exceptional specs and storage at the same price as Apple products. Next time you wonder Why are Apple phones so much more expensive than Android phones, know that it's not because they are more powerful devices. Most likely due to Apple's tax.

| Which device runs better?

The iOS platform is an interface extremely strict. It requires a lot of power from your phone just to run the software it operates. This removes valuable resources from your mobile device that can be used to run your game.

As Android devices provide Better specs with cheaper price. That means you can buy an older model for less money and still have a great gaming experience. With Apple devices, the price is much higher for the same specs and you will most likely buy the latest version to keep running the latest games.

Which Platform Is Best for Gaming?

When considering which mobile device is best for gaming, there is one aspect that needs to be considered above all else. Ignore the game subscription service , and app store, how well your device can actually play the game is by far the most important factor. Android excels in this category.

You can buy a much more powerful Android device for less, which will run even the most intensive console games available on Xbox Game Pass. Android also offers a much more comprehensive and robust game subscription service than Apple, with cheaper price much.

If you are looking for a mobile device good price that you can use to play games, Android wins.


Today, mobile devices cost an arm and a leg. The last thing you want to do is spend thousands of dollars for a phone only to realize it's not capable of running the games you love.

Gaming is therapy for many people and you deserve the best possible experience in doing so. Not to mention, spending your money on actual hardware and better specs than spending money on a brand any day.

If you're weighing your options trying to find the best mobile device to spend your hard earned money on, hopefully. this tutorial helped you make the right decision for you.

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