Dark Eden M on WEMIX GL

Dark Eden M on WEMIX An NFT game of the MMORPG genre with an endless battlefield that will awaken the fighting spirit of players once again, by the horror of the confrontation between the killer and the vampire. Vampire masters are searching for Lilith's soul shard, the blood bible that's been sealed in Adam's Holy Land for thousands of years.

Lilith's soul is the only thing that will save them from the curse of light. On the other hand, the Slayers are also forming an alliance against the rise of vampires. A bloody war between the two races takes place. Which side will you be on? A vampire in search of the blood bible or a vampire slayer with an iron will to protect humanity? Remember this is a title NFT . game Play To Earn, you can completely earn valuable items in the game and sell them to earn money to cover your life.