Magic:ManaStrike US

Did you know that the number 1.6180339887 has an amazing history, this number has been applied from the time of Pythagoras to the time of Davinci and certainly the builders of the Pyramids also used this number. It is called the “golden ratio”. It's mysterious, because this golden ratio is present in all sorts of unrelated things and natural phenomena, from snails in the South Pacific to galaxies, to works of art and architecture.

It makes your creative endeavors easier when you accept that there are always mysteries in life. We don't actually create something new, we rearrange what's already made. Whatever you love or care about, be a good organizer, and then you will be on your way to renewal.

To train your tactical thinking, join the world Magic:ManaStrike, a fast-paced real-time strategy game. Magic: ManaStrike has 5 unique mana colors White, Blue, Black, Red and Green. Understanding the characteristics of each color and creating your own unique strategies is the key to victory. Experience Magic: ManaStrike right away, you will forge a great tactical thinking for life.

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