Code LaTale M

Do you love a side scrolling MMORPG role-playing game? If so, we would like to give you everything Code LaTale M active game. These gift codes will definitely help you receive many valuable rewards.

It's time to join the LaTale M game and make lovely friends. Find, collect and develop the most powerful pets and mounts in any game. Here it is Latest LaTale M Gift Code List 2023.

GiftCode Duration Reward
DiscordAsia ... Value rewards.
LoveUAsia ... Value rewards.
FollowUsAsia ... Value rewards.


| Instructions to change Code LaTale M

To redeem your LaTale M gift code, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Launch the game LaTale M on your device.

Step 2: At the main screen, click menu icon located in the right corner of the screen.


Step 3: Select item "System".

Step 4: Continue to select "Settings".

Step 5: Then select “Redeem Code”.

Step 6: Enter the gift code in the table above into the text box. Then press "Confirm" to receive rewards.

We are always committed to bringing the newest and hottest deals to our community. However, sometimes, unexpected problems may occur, leading to some promotional codes not working as originally planned. If you encounter such a situation, we would love to hear from you or you can contact us directly to let us know about the issue.

We are committed to immediately removing expired codes from the list of valid codes, to ensure accuracy for all users. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and sincerely thank you for your understanding and patience. We will continue to make efforts to maintain and update promotions accurately and effectively.


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