Home » Pro Build Kayn TFT Season 11 Instructions

Pro Build Kayn TFT Season 11 Instructions

Hello players TFT, I'm AndrewD and this tutorial is about how Build Kayn TFT in the current TFT 11 season. I will help you learn information about optimal stats, skills, equipment, hero upgrade cores and the best formations to use Kayn Carry in the game. This is a personal perspective, if you have any comments, please comment below.


Kayn TFT Basic Specifications

Blood AD DPS
1000/1800/3240 75/113/169 68/102/152
Attack Range Attack speed Armor
1 0.9 70
Magical resistance Tribe Generation
70 U Linh Death
Skill: Shadow Assassin
Mana: 0/60
Activated: On first use, Kayn transforms and deals physical damage to nearby enemies. During his transformation, Kayn received 30% critical chance and critical attacks damage nearby enemies. If Kayn hits only one enemy, the damage is increased 50%. Subsequent uses deal physical damage based on AD and AP to units in a path through the target.
Transformation Damage: 400% / 400% / 1000%
Next AD Damage: 240% / 240% / 600%
Next AP Damage: 30% / 45% / 135%
Next Damage: Next AD + AP Damage

Best Equipment for Kayn TFT

Equipment Animal
Sword Gun


With increased capacity 30% critical chance in a transformed state with 20% From the Death race/type, equipping an item like The Hand of Justice To increase crit would be very reasonable for Kayn.

Combination Blood sword , and Colossal Power Not only does it help Kayn increase his ability to survive when attacked by targeted enemies, but it also optimizes the amount of damage he deals. Blood Sword and Hand of Justice will help Kayn heal and become stronger than ever.

Kayn TFT Team

Tribe/Activation System

4 Grim Reapers, 4 Giants, 2 Satyrs, 2 Ghosts, 2 Darkness.


Yone, Yorick, Shen, Thresh, Ornn, Kha'Zix, Kayn, Kindred.

Team Reviews

Kayn is being one of the 4 gold generals Possesses extremely magical damage and race/system in TFT season 11. With the ability to deal large-area physical damage and increase critical rate, Kayn has truly become the trump card in the Death chess set. .

Besides, you will combine Death with Giant to increase the defense ability of the squad. Thresh in this chess set very important because he will Shield buff Gives the ally with the lowest health. Kindred will support the backline in the most wonderful way.

When should you build Kayn Carry?

If you roll Kayn early at level 6 or 7. Or maybe you are the only person in the lobby playing this chess set.

How to play?

In this lineup, Forest will be a shining star in the squad. However, you will need to maintain good health, level 7 slow roll. After that, go straight to level 8 to complete the squad and roll 2-star Kayn to optimize strength.

Early game stage

Starting with 2 1-gold Giant generals combined with 2 Death Gods, Kha'Zix and Kindred, are one The strategy is quite flexible. If you collect damage items, let Kha'Zix hold the items for Kayn. In cases where the items are defensive pieces, Malphite would be the ideal choice. When you own Thresh, you can consider changing items at a later stage to optimize your squad.

Depending on the situation, if you are facing a losing streak, optimize your team to lose the least amount of chess. On the contrary, when you are on a winning streak, use gold to upgrade to the maximum level you can. The main goal is Climb to level 7 as soon as possible.

Mid game

IN stage 3-1, after completing the shopping round, you should level up to level 6 to reach the milestone of Giant form 4. At this stage, should not roll, but accumulate gold to make the most of your profits and look for opportunities to level 7 as soon as possible.

When you reach level 7 with 50 gold, this is the ideal time to spend and perfect your squad by roll Thresh 3 stars. At this level, you have a 10% chance of rolling a 4-gold champion. If you're lucky enough to meet Kayn, accumulate gold again to go straight to level 8.

Note, at level 7, activation priority is given milestone 4 Death first instead of 4 Giants. The power of the 4 Grim Reaper mark will bring greater benefits during this period.

Late game stage

Phase 4 Onwards, reaching level 8 and perfecting the squad with 4 Grim Reapers and 4 Giants will be the top priority. At the same time, focus on damage equipment for Kayn and defensive equipment for Thresh. If you get the chance, you can also equip Kindred with the damage items you receive. This helps Kindred support Kayn with more damage in the match.

If it's defensive equipment, use it on Ornn. Note, please Arrange the team skillfully a little bit so Kayn can move straight down to attack the enemy's bottom row carry. Note, always place Kayn in the 2nd row, the far left or right corner.

It's our own opinion on how Build Kayn TFT. If you have any comments or suggestions, leave a comment below so we can discuss.

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