Home » Guide to Pro Build Shen TFT Season 11

Guide to Pro Build Shen TFT Season 11

Hello players TFT, I'm AndrewD and this tutorial is about how Build Shen TFT in the current TFT 11 season. I will help you learn information about optimal stats, skills, equipment, hero upgrade cores and the best formations to use Shen Carry in the game. This is a personal perspective, if you have any comments, please comment below.


Shen TFT Basics

Blood AD DPS
800/1440/2592 55/83/124 36/54/81
Attack Range Attack speed Armor
1 0.65 45
Magical resistance Tribe Generation
45 U Linh Giant
Skill: Soul Protection
Mana: 25/75
Activated: For 4 seconds, reduces damage taken by Shen and nearby allies. Shen's next three attacks deal additional true damage.
Reduce Shen's damage: 40/50/90% AP
Reduces damage to adjacent allies: 15/20/30% AP
Skill damage: 100/150/235% Armor

Best Equipment For Shen TFT

Equipment Animal
Q. Power
Crazy Blade
Thuy Ngan
Q. Power
Crazy Blade


Shen's skills deal true damage based on the amount of armor he possesses. Therefore, equipment such as Colossal Power will be suitable to help him increase his skill power and resistance. Equipment Guinsoo's Crazy Blade , and Mercury Cloak Gives Shen increased attack speed and immunity to control effects, helping him deal as much damage as possible.

Besides, Blood sword It's also a pretty good piece of equipment that helps Shen increase his recovery ability in combat.

Shen TFT Lineup

Tribe/Activation System

6 Giants, 2 Ghosts, 2 Sages.


Cho'Gath, Malphite, Shen, Zyra, Yorick, Thresh, Morgana, Ornn.

Team Reviews

There are Giant generals resistance Very good in TFT season 11. With the ability to gain more Armor and Magic Resistance, and when a Giant general dies, the nearest Giant general will receive that extra resistance. Shen in this squad will be a heavy carry with skills Deals true damage based on his armor.

When to Build Shen Carry?

If you get the core “The Supernatural Blade” or “Map Boss”. It's also possible that you're the only person in the lobby playing this chess set.

How to play?

This is the Shen Carry lineup. So, build 6 Giants so that Shen can get more damage from his skill attacks and resistance.

With this squad you can win streak right from the start. Defensive equipment is also quite easy to get during shopping rounds to build sturdy equipment for the Giant generals in your squad.

Early game stage

The Giant generals in the early stages of the game are quite strong, you should start with the Giant generals sandwiched with Thien Cung to increase the defense index and keep the health of your squad.

Mid game

IN stage 3-1, after completing the shopping round upgrade level 6 to increase the roll rate of 2-gold champions for your squad. Shen 2 stars along with Colossal Power quite healthy during this period.

Keep trying hard win streak during this period to accumulate gold yours and only slow roll Upgrade your Shen to 3 stars with level reasonable resources.

Late game stage

IN stage 4-1 onwards, please upgrade level 8 to have the roll rate of 3-cost and 4-cost champions like Thresh, Morgana and Ornn. This is required time which your Shen must be Upgrade to 3 stars. Clip the Sage to increase Shen's healing ability and add more damage to your squad.

Use magical equipment Reduced healing for Morgana will be very useful for your squad in the late game.

It's our own opinion on how Build Shen TFT. If you have any comments or suggestions, leave a comment below so we can discuss.

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