Home » How to Build Don Quixote Smash Legends

How to Build Don Quixote Smash Legends

Don Quixote is a legend with his role as Vanguard in Smash Legends. Through the article Tutorial Build Don Quixote In our Smash Legends you can check out the basics, skills, abilities and how to build Don Quixote legend to be the strongest in Smash Legends game.


Legendary Profile Don Quixote

| Basic information

Attack Range Transportation Blood
Very short Very slow 7500


| The Story of Don Quixote

An old knight in armor travels the world to help others, carrying his faithful horse, Rocinante, on his shoulders. His intentions to carry out his chivalry and justice are good, but since he only cares about his own worth, others don't think well of him.

How to own Don Quixote?

| Get Don Quixote when you reach 3000 achievement points

You can own the legendary Don Quixote when you reach the milestone 3000 achievement points. Also you will get 1 Enchantment.


Normal attack

Shield bash
Attack Count: 2
Use your shield to attack an enemy, dealing 1125 Damage. Cause 750 damage when used as an Aerial Skill.


Courageous Charge
Cool down: 4 seconds
Raise your shield to dash forward and knock back enemies, dealing a total of 1425 Damage. Dashes forward after hitting the ground when used as an Air Skill, dealing a total of 1425 damage.

Cool thoroughly

No Retreat
Charge Speed: very fast
Raise your shield to take a defensive stance for 1,58 seconds. Don Quixote slowly moves forward in this pose, decreasing 50% damage taken from enemies and shoots a shockwave around, dealing 600 damage when attacked by enemies. He is immune to shock while maintaining this pose.


Enhanced Shield
Increases Skill's advancement speed by 11% and the ultimate attack of the Skill pushes the opponent further back 30%.
Rosinante's Cheer
Reduce the damage received from the opponent 18%.
Knight's Courage
Increase the advance distance of the first ground attack by 8% and bonus base attack damage 30%.
Iron Will of the Knight
Increases the measurement fee for the Ultimate Skill received when taking additional damage 50%.
None Shall Pass!
Reduce the damage taken in your Ultimate Skill by more 20% and increase the shock wave range further 32%.

Recommend Build Don Quixote Smash Legends

| Recommend Build Enchantment for Don Quixote

enchantment Effect
Strike Barrier Hitting 2 or 3 enemies within 1 second, creates a shield equal to 20 / 40% Your max health and last for 10 seconds. (Cool time: 15 seconds)
Fortitude Increase max HP by more 15%.


| Recommended Capacity Building for Don Quixote

enchantment Effect
Enhanced Shield Increases Skill's advancement speed by 11% and the ultimate attack of the Skill pushes the opponent further back 30%.
None Shall Pass! Reduce the damage taken in your Ultimate Skill by more 20% and increase the shock wave range further 32%.

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