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How To Build Goldie Smash Legends

Goldie is a legend as a Support in Smash Legends. Through the article Tutorial Build Goldie In our Smash Legends you can check out the basics, skills, abilities and how to build the legendary Goldie to be the strongest in Smash Legends game.


Legendary Profile Goldie

| Basic information

Attack Range Transportation Blood
Normal Normal 6000


| The Story of Goldie

Synop City's rebellious punk musician. She causes havoc every time she does something, but she has die-hard fans who love her protestant spirit. She recently signed with 7D and joined Smash Legends. But does anyone know how and why she did this?

How to own Goldie?

| Buy with Gold or Gem

Goldie can be purchased with 29.000 Gold or 179 Gem from the Smash Legends in-game store.


Normal attack

The Sick Move
Attack Count: 3
Dash forward and swing the guitar twice to deal damage 900. Smash the guitar down to deal damage 450 when used as an Aerial Skill.


Just the Right Spray!
Cool down: 6 seconds
Roll the Spray to deal damage 300 points and leaves a Spray Mark effect on enemies hit. Throw down the Spray to deal damage 300 when used as an Aerial Skill and leaves a Mark of Spray on the hit target. The spray mark lasts for 8 seconds and all Legends that hit the marked target will recover 255 HP per hit.

Cool thoroughly

This is IT!
Charge Speed: Normal
Play guitar to attack opponents with powerful sonic waves that deal damage 1650 point. The final attack stuns the opponent.


Just the right color!
Increases HP recovery of Legend that attacks opponent with Extra Spray Marks 50 Additional HP. The amount of healing increases as Goldie levels up.
Don't you just hate boredom?
Reduce 20% the number of gauges required for the Ultimate Skill.
Shake before use!
Reduce Skill's cooldown 0,7 seconds each time an enemy is hit with a ground attack.
Increase 36% basic attack damage without Skill.
Wild Concert
Increases Ultimate Skill's damage 24% and apply the effect of Spray Mark to the opponent hit by the ultimate hit of the Ultimate Skill. The effect lasts for 10 seconds and allows allies to receive 140 Fixed HP with each hit.

Recommend Build Goldie Smash Legends

| Recommend Build Enchantment for Goldie

enchantment Effect
Aggression Increases maximum damage by more 15%.
Relentless Lightning Lightning strikes when you hit 5 times in a row, dealing 800 damage to the surrounding area. The effect will reset if you don't attack within 2 second. (Cool time: 10 seconds)


| Goldie's Capacity Building Proposal

enchantment Effect
Don't you just hate boredom? Reduce 20% the number of gauges required for the Ultimate Skill.
Wild Concert Increases Ultimate Skill's damage 24% and apply the effect of Spray Mark to the opponent hit by the ultimate hit of the Ultimate Skill. The effect lasts for 10 seconds and allows allies to gain a fixed amount of HP with each hit.

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