Home » How to Build Ducky and Swan Smash Legends

How to Build Ducky and Swan Smash Legends

Ducky and Swan is a legend as a Fighter in Smash Legends. Through the article Tutorial Build Ducky and Swan Our Smash Legends, you can check out the basics, skills, abilities and how to build Ducky and Swan legend to be the strongest in Smash Legends game.


Legendary Profile Ducky and Swan

| Basic information

Attack Range Transportation Blood
Normal Normal 5550


| The Story of Ducky and Swan

A duck works as a sweeper in Synop City. However, her true identity is Swan, the hero of justice. She is always kind and gentle to everyone, and is ready to help anyone who needs help.

How to own Ducky and Swan?

| Received through the event invite friends to play games

Ducky and Swan can only be obtained by inviting friends to play Smash Legends. You will need to invite at least 2 friends to get this legend!


Normal attack

Attack Count: 3
Sweeps the broom to attack enemies, dealing a total of 675 Damage. Cause 450 damage when used as an Aerial Skill.


Cool down: 3 seconds
Throw a broom to attack an enemy, dealing 600 Damage.

Cool thoroughly

Charge Speed: Normal
Collect energy to transform. When using her ultimate with 3 energy bars, she transforms into a Swan for 14 seconds with increased max HP 30%. While in Swan form, dashes at enemies from the ground, dealing 1350 Damage. Dashes diagonally towards the ground when used as an Aerial Skill, causing 1388 Damage. Swan has super armor during transformation and is not repelled by any attacks.


Curtain Call
Once fully charged with the energy needed to transform, perform a 6-way ranged attack that deals 600 Damage.
Transformation Heal
Restore 25% Max HP when transforming.
Heroic Cry
When transforming, all allies on the map increase 10% Movement speed and 10% damage to all attacks for 10 seconds.
Upright Growth
For each resource unit of the Ultimate ability, increase the damage of all additional attacks 12% / 24% / 36% and reduce the damage received from the opponent 12% / 24% / 36%.
It's Not Over Yet
Each successful ground and air attack prolongs the transformation time by 0,3 seconds and 0,9 second. This cannot be used to extend the conversion time beyond its maximum.

Recommend Build Ducky and Swan Smash Legends

| Recommend Build Enchantment for Ducky and Swan

enchantment Effect
Fortitude Increase max HP by more 15%.
Aggression Increases maximum damage by more 15%.


| Recommended Capacity Building for Ducky and Swan

enchantment Effect
Transformation Heal Restore 25% Max HP when transforming.
It's Not Over Yet Each successful ground and air attack prolongs the transformation time by 0,3 seconds and 0,9 second. This cannot be used to extend the conversion time beyond its maximum.

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