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How to Play TFT Superhero Season 8

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TFT Season 8 is out and there are a lot of exciting new races/types. We have covered some classes/races in our guide such as Thief, Super Beast, etc. For this tutorial we will be looking at How to Play TFT Superhero Season 8. Superman or Supers is a system / race that will play Hyper Roll gameplay and is generally quite simple.

In general, Hyper Roll types/races have historically been weak and few people have used these types of formations. Hopefully with Supers we will find a better balance in the 12.23 meta.


How Superman Works

Superman has only one reward and activates when you have all 3 general units. With an activation milestone of 3, you can get 30% damage for your entire team. The 30% bonus is very powerful and multiplies with other forms of damage like Attack Damage or Magic Power.

However, the problem is that Superman champions are cheap units that will be weaker than units at the end of the game. However, you can make up for this by attaching Roll 3 stars, making them more suitable for higher priced units.

This also benefits the Superman system/race. Because bonus damage percentage increases as you have more 3-star units in your squad.

| Characteristics of Superman

Superman: Superman poses at the start of combat, dealing 30% more damage to allies. For each three-star unit on your team, % bonus damage is increased by 5%.

Superman (3): Need 3 . mark to activate

Super synergy

Superman only has 3 units as part of the system/race and no unit has any duplicate traits other than Superman. Therefore, we probably won't see too much flexibility with the Superman trait.

Below is a list of the Attributes/Tems you can combine with Superman units.

  • Duel
  • Lover
  • Fighter
  • mascot

At first glance, Duel seems to be the main attack trait to use for the squad. There are many other cheap Dual Auction units that you can Roll 3 stars with Gangplank.

Fighter , and Mascot are the two frontline Clans/Classes available for this trait. So the Superman lineup can easily branch into either of those traits.

Final, Lover was also present with Lee Sin. That means the Super lineup also has the ability to branch into an AP squad. In an AP roster, Gangplank can be a bit of a waste of a spot. But maybe with a Seal or something there's potential there too.

With General Enhancement new, you can also try building each champion as a carry, creating a variety of abilities.

Features of Superman Champions

Let's take a look at each of the Heroes in the Super-Class/Clan and what you can do with them. We'll also show each champion's Hero Enhancements so you know what to look out for.

Gangplank (Superman + Gladiator)

Gangplank is 1st gold champion and unique in Superman characteristics because the other two generals are 2 gold champions. He has an ability to simply shoot, dealing some damage. However, he also has a Quicksilver section built in when he clears out debuffs on use. With low mana, this can be quite powerful, as he will constantly purge himself from things like Morello Demon or Slow Attack Speed.

Gangplank Strengthening Heroes

Burning Ricochet: Get a Gangplank. His ability bounces to the second target dealing 60% damage.

Get paid: Get a Gangplank. When you use him, your team has a 25% chance to get 2 gold on kill.

Leesin (Superman + Fighter + Mistress)

Lee Sin is a great unit for Superman because he has 3 traits, giving the team more flexibility in the early and mid game. Gladiators will always be a solid trait to branch out for the front line. And Lover is a nice little bonus if you can activate it. Lee Sin is also a great frontline unit to combine with Gangplank as he will shield both himself and nearby allies with his abilities.

All in all, Lee Sin is a great utility unit for the Superman trait and as well as many other squads.

Lee Sin Strengthening Heroes

Tornado: Get a Lee Sin. He gains 60% Attack Speed, tripled for 5 seconds after using his Ability.

Add the power: Get a Lee Sin. When you attack him, your team gains 15% Attack Speed, doubled for 4 seconds after being shielded.

Malphite (Superman + Mascot)

Malphite is the ultimate Superman unit and is primarily a frontline tank. His ability also deals a bit of damage, and when you give him 3 stars he will contribute some damage. But mostly he will be there to fend off as much as he can.

Mascot also provides another way to build the front line instead of using Gladiators alongside Lee Sin.

Malphite Strengthening Heroes

Rock Solid: Get a Malphite. He gains Magic Power equal to 75% of his Armor and his Spell's Armor duration is increased by 4 seconds.

Guardian: Get Malphite. When you use him, your party will recover 15% of their lost Health when cast.

| Super Heroes Boost Cores

There are many Super Boosters to choose from with the new Hero Boost system. Since Season 8 is still in development, give them all a try. Gangplank is an easy pick to build, but you can also experiment with Lee Sin and Malphite.

Best Hero Enhancement will change over time as the meta evolves and patches change everything. Other than Hero Boost, here are some general additions to keep in mind.

Super Heart / Soul

Do not have Press Superman none in the supplement, but with a Superman Heart and Soul. These are fun because they give you rewards, while also allowing you to drop units.

For example, if another slow squad is very strong and you can get Superman Hearts. You can try using Malphite, Lee Sin and give your team a big damage bonus. Is this powerful enough to warrant a takeover of other plug-ins? Who knows. But the potential is there.

Recommend Superman lineup

Here is a lineup for testing. As new updates come out and the meta evolves, we could see changes to this roster. But for now, here's a quick look.

Superman Squad

Here is a simple starting lineup with Gangplank being main staple. A lot of Gangplank's damage will come from his skills. So we have a mix of items with Blue buff for spam and Bloodthirsty for sustain. Finally, we have the Gem Gauntlet as a solid combo item as it provides both his Critical stat and further boosts his abilities.

The rest of the lineup is based on characteristics Fighter to increase Gangplank's power. We want to try to use as many cheap units in this squad to take as much damage from Superman as possible. Alistar is the only unit that costs 3 or more and provides an extra frontline for the team.

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