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How to Play TFT Lover Season 8

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Teamfight Tactics Season 8: Monsters of War is out and there are a lot of interesting Attributes/Tems appearing in the game. We have published articles on how to play some new Attributes/Cities such as Thief, Super Animals, Super Multiply, Child prodigy and more.

In this article, we will guide How to Play TFT Lover Season 8, this is a simple and flexible feature. Lover provides a powerful bonus to any squad. So expect to see a lot of them roll out into different lineups.


How Lover Works

Lover provides AP reward expand your party as you use the Lover's trigger milestones. Though you might quickly think this trait is tame. But it's definitely one of those traits where the more you invest in it, the more out of control it gets.

Only with 2 . mark Mistress generals, you can expect them to use a few times in an average battle, maybe up to 5 times or more in a longer battle. Even so, the rewards are still pretty strong at all investment levels.

Let's say you have 2 units of Lover and both are possible Use Skills within the first 5 seconds of the round. That turns into 8 Magic Power for each unit on your party. Not bad.

| Characteristics of Lovers

Lover: When the Lovers cast spells, all allies gain stacks of magic power for the remainder of the battle.

Lover (2):  +4 Magic Power

Lover (4):  +8 Magic Power

Lover (6):  +12 Magic Power

The Synergy of Lovers

Lover has a total 6 generals. In these generals, there is not too much overlap. So you'll mostly see Lover as a versatile addition in many lineups.

Below is a list of the Attributes/Tems you can combine with the Lover general.

  • Fighter
  • Superman
  • Child prodigy
  • Thief
  • Sorcerer
  • Star Guardian
  • Mascot

There are a lot of Clans/Classes you can combined with Lover. However, perhaps the opposite perspective is more accurate. There are many squads that can be flexibly added to Lover.

Of all the Clans/Classes that can be combined with the Mistress, only syndra , and yummi overlaps with the Star Guardians. This is great because Star Guardian is an AP based squad that specializes in Spam Skills with their mana generation.

In the Star Guardian lineup, you will most likely always wanted Syndra and Yuumi, and you can even have up to 4 Lovers. For most other squads, you'll probably only launch 2 Lovers to get the bonus effect but at a smaller rate.

Features of the Lover's Champions

Let's go over each feature of Champions of Love and what you can do with them. We'll also show each champion's Hero Enhancements so you can know what you need to know.

Lulu (Mistress + Prodigy)

Lulu is a support unit with the ability deal magic damage pretty simple. Lover isn't really a trait you try to prioritize early on as the battles don't last long. Lulu will mainly be the choice for squads who want to activate the Prodigy.

Strengthening Hero Lulu

Growth: Get Lulu. When she uses her Ability, she gains 125 bonus Health and 25 Ability Power (this stacks).

Accelerated Growth: Get Lulu. When you attack her, she and her allies gain 35 Magic Power when equipped with an item.

Lee Sin (Mistress + Superman + Fighter)

Lee Sin is a frontline unit that provides a lot of conveniences with its shielding. Furthermore, he is a unit with 3 Attributes/Temps, making him a very versatile unit. Gladiator is a simple but effective frontline trait.

Because Lee Sin has a Lover. This means that any squad with a Gladiator frontline can easily be turned into Lover 2 with just one additional unit.

Strengthening Hero Lee Sin

Tornado: Get a Lee Sin. He gains 60% Attack Speed, tripled for 5 seconds after using his Ability.

Add the power: Get a Lee Sin. When you attack him, your team gains 15% Attack Speed, doubled for 4 seconds after being shielded.

Yuumi (Mistress + Star Guardian + Mascot)

Yuumi is another Lover unit with 3 traits and we talked about her a bit when we mentioned the Star Guardian synergy. Yuumi will combine well with Syndra to Increase AP for the whole team when she uses .

The Mascot trait also gives flexibility in choosing frontline units as you can use the Mascot as the front line instead of the Gladiator with Lee Sin. One thing to note is that Yuumi becoming a Mascot is a bit counter-synergy. Because when the Mascot dies, they will give the other Mascot a Healing bonus. However, Yuumi will likely be one of the last units to fall as she sits in the backline.

Strengthening Hero Yuumi

Predatory Precision: Get Yuumi. She gains 30 Magic Power, 75% Critical Attack Chance, and her ability can crit.

Zoomies!: Get Yuumi. She grants your team 18% Attack Speed ​​and Movement Speed.

Sona (Mistress + Thief + Magician)

Sona is a different unit of Lovers than 3 characteristics. You will see Lover units in a lot of formations at this rate. Sona has an ability to provide many effects, such as dealing damage, healing, and providing CC. This makes her a very powerful utility unit.

Her low energy also makes her great with items like Green Charm, which combines very well with the Lover trait.

Strengthening Hero Sona

PowerGrid: Get a Sona. She gains 20 Ability Power and her Magic fires 1 extra ray.

Berserk upgrade: Get Sona. Start Battle: Your strongest Sona grants her 2 nearest allies 50 Energy.

Soraka (Mistress + ADMIN)

Soraka is one of the Carry 4 gold in the game and will be a popular carry in the Admin lineup. She is an AP carry with a large amount of mana. But it does heavy damage to enemies.

Lover will be one of the best ways help increase damage for Soraka.

Strengthening Hero Soraka

Transmission: Get a Soraka. Every 5 seconds, Soraka grants your team 20 Energy.

Berserk upgrade: Get Soraka. After 15 seconds of combat, all uses of her Abilities are enhanced.

Syndra (Mistress + Star Guardian)

Syndra is one of the 5 gold carries in the game and the late game carry of the squad Star Guardian. Gold 5s are not always easy to find and can be difficult to build. But the Star Guardian squad can still work with 4 gold units until you find Syndra.

Like Soraka, Syndra also has a large amount of mana but the Star Guardian trait will help her recover mana faster. Mistress and Star Guardian are a deadly combination. Since the Star Guardian will give your team tons of energy while the Mistress will increase your team's AP. These two things combined will cause the enemy team to fall.

The main weakness of the Star Guardian squad is the lack of a frontline compared to other formations, making them fragile.

Strengthening Hero Syndra

Overwhelming strength: Get Syndra. Allies summoned by her Ability gain 60% Physical Damage and 60 Ability Power, Armor, and Magic Resistance.

Pre-Enhancement: Get Syndra. When you use her, your team gains 7 Magic Power per unit on your bench.

Recommend the Lover lineup

It's still early to judge things, so things are bound to change. But here is a lineup to try. When the the update appeared and the meta evolves, we could see changes to this roster. But now you can test this lineup.

One of the best formations using the Lover-Type/Clan is the Star Guardians lineup. This is a fairly simple formation that looks like it will jam in a bunch of Star Guardian units and take out the enemy team.

Note: As of this writing, Star Guardians don't seem to have a good position in the meta. We currently don't have a vertical Star Guardian lineup in our Rank List, but give this one a try.

Related Instructions

Lover is a System/Clan very powerful and flexible in TFT Season 8. You'll be able to throw Lovers into multiple squads to get some extra AP. You can even choose to throw Syndra late in the game for extra damage.

And of course, if you're playing Star Guardian, the Lover trait will be your best friend. Wishing you a very successful TFT season!

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